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2022 Midterm Guides

Private·4 members


Task: Identify the best candidate in every race within in each of the 75 Utah House Districts.

Purpose: Create a slate of candidates that we can recommend to our community, wherever they may live in the state.


Google Sheet to align candidates within Utah house districts (note that permission to edit will have to be requested and approved)

Utah SGID data table that aligns voting boundaries within Utah.

Note: aligning state-level candidates will be relatively straight-forward (if time-consuming) but it will become more complicated to identify and enter progressive or non-extremist conservative municipal candidates (i.e. for county council or for clerk).

Thank you for signing on to help! This is a work in progress, so please ask questions and don't be shy to provide "constructive criticism"! - Eleanor


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  • September 14, 2022


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